Java script : Arrays with let and const

Arrays with let and const

You may recall that you can declare variables with both the let and const keywords. Variables declared with let can be reassigned.
Variables that are assigned with constcannot be reassigned. However, arrays that are declared with const remain mutable, or changeable.
This means that we can change the contents of an array, but cannot reassign the variable name to a new array or other data type.
The instructions below will illustrate this more clearly. Pay close attention to the similarities and differences between the condimentsarray and the utensils array as you complete the steps.
Below the two existing arrays, add your favorite condiment to the condimentsarray using .push().
Log the updated array to the console.
Below your code from Step 1, reassign condiments to be an array that contains a single string.
Log the result to the console.
Stuck? Get a hint
Below your code from Step 2, remove the last item from the utensils array using .pop().
Log the updated array to the console.
Below your code from Step 3, reassign the utensils array to be a new array with only your favorite utensil inside of it.
You should have received an error!

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