Java script : Review Arrays

Review Arrays

Nice work! In this lesson, we learned these concepts regarding arrays:
  • Arrays are lists and are a way to store data in JavaScript.
  • Arrays are created with brackets [].
  • Each item inside of an array is at a numbered position, starting at 0.
  • We can access one item in an array using its numbered position, with syntax like: myArray[0].
  • We can also change an item in an array using its numbered position, with syntax like myArray[0] = "new string";
  • Arrays have a length property, which allows you to see how many items are in an array.
  • Arrays have their own methods, including .push() and .pop(), which add and remove items from an array, respectively.
  • Arrays have many other methods that perform different functions, such as .slice() and .shift(). You can read the documentation for any array method on the Mozilla Developer Networkwebsite.
  • Variables that contain arrays can be declared with let or const. Even when declared with const, arrays are still mutable; they can be changed. However, a variable declared with const cannot be reassigned.
Congratulations on learning about arrays!

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